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Cyborgs: The Army's Remote-Controlled Beetle

"The insect's flight path can be wirelessly controlled via a neural implant... ...The research, funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), could one day be used for surveillance purposes or for...

Category: Robotics, Weapons


Flagship fusion reactor could cost twice as much as budgeted

ITER "The international project, which aims to produce cheap green power by recreating the conditions inside the sun, already absorbs half Britain's energy research budget"

Category: Energy sources


UK energy saving policy 'failing'

"The UK government is failing to support its own measures designed to deliver energy savings, an expert has warned."


Recession threatens carbon trading

"A crucial scheme to control greenhouse gases is under threat due to the recession."

Category: Climate Change


Distant planet's roasting orbit

"Nasa's Spitzer space telescope has observed a far-off planet that experiences wild temperature swings."

Category: Space

Displaying results 1481 to 1485 out of 2977